

What are the Most Asked Questions on Google in 2023?

Have you ever wondered what the most frequently asked questions on Google are? You might be surprised to learn that “What to Watch?” was the most frequently inquired question on Google. Every month, this search phrase generates 7.5 million online search queries. With an average of 3.6 million monthly internet searches, “What is My IP?” was the second most popular Google search query. This is the only possible answer to the question. “What is My IP Address?” and other similar questions are becoming increasingly popular. Having an understanding of these and creating content around them will help you enhance your website’s SEO.

Here is a list of the top 100 Googled questions. But first, here are the top 10 most often requested queries, together with their average monthly search volumes.

what to watch – 9,140,000
where’s my refund – 7,480,000
how you like that- 6,120,000
what is my IP address – 4,090,000
how many ounces in a cup – 2,740,000
What time is it- 1,830,000
how I met your mother – 1,830,000
how to screenshot on mac – 1,830,000
where am i – 1,500,000
how to lose weight fast – 1,500,000
The lone exception to the list above is “Where’s my refund,” which is seasonal. This data was differentiated by the Keyword Tool based on the 5Ws and 1H. The term was coined by people in the United States. “Where’s my refund?” is a nearly exclusive question. According to the IRS, US residents began processing refunds for income earned in 2020 on February 12th, 2021. As a result, taxpayers began searching for their refund status on Google. The number of searches jumped from 1.5 million in January to 30.4 million in March.

You must be aware of the most often asked questions on Google, as well as essential data and other facts that will assist you in continually achieving a noteworthy SEO ranking with the assistance of pros.

Aside from this seasonal query term, the other inquiries received a more continuous and steady quantity of monthly online searches. They are perennial queries that are frequently asked by their sources.

 It’s now up to you to find out more questions. Below you’ll discover a complete list of the top 100 most frequently requested questions on Google in 2022, as well as their global search volumes. The monthly averages underneath the “Global Search Volume” column are based on data collected over the previous six months. Many more surprising discoveries can be found in the list of Google’s most frequently requested inquiries and their Average Global Search Volumes.

Table of Contents
Most Asked Questions on Google for “What”
Most Asked Questions on Google for “Who”
Most Asked Questions on Google for “When”
Most Asked Questions on Google for “How”                 
Most Asked Questions on Google for “Is”
Most Asked Questions on Google for “Can”
Some SEO Tips for 2022 Based on Frequently Asked Questions
Most Asked Questions on Google for “What”

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