

Android Fitness App Project


Track your progress (power lifting and fitness) quickly and easily

Now you can track your progress easily and quickly! You can create as many machines as you want with the name you want! It's your choice!

Graphics will show your progress and your body evolution.

Don't leave the app to get your music; a music player is integrated into the app!


For development, Android Studio with gradle is used. If you want to develop and contribute, the easiest way is to use Android Studio as well.

  1. Fork the project on GitHub.
  2. Clone it within Android Studio or a Git Bash:
    1. From the Welcome Screen: Check out project from Version Control -> Git
    2. Or from within Android Studio: File -> New -> Project from version control -> Git
    3. Log in to GitHub... -> Create API Token -> Enter your username and password from your GitHub account
    4. Add the URL of your forked project in „Git Repository URL“
    5. Clone
  3. Click No on the next dialog: Would you like to create an Android Studio project for the sources you have checked out to [...]
  4. Then open an existing Android Studio project:
    1. From the Welcome Screen: Open an existing Android Studio project
    2. Or from within Android Studio: File -> Open
    3. Search for the path, where you cloned this project
  5. Do you want to add the following file to Git? (Project.xml) -> No
  6. Then in the Build window: Add Google Maven repository
  7. File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files


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Github Source Code