

Online Book Store project


This is an simple online web store was made by using php , mysql and bootstrap. the sql for database is put in folder database. the database contains many tables.

To change the localhost, username, password for connecting to database, change it only one time in /functions/database_functions.php -> db_connect() . Simple and fast The setup base is localhost , root , , www_project

to connect the admin section, click the name Admin Login at the bottom. the name and pass for log in is admin , admin. Just to make it simple.

the 2 main things are not fully implemented is contact and process purchase. Due to having to work with some security and online payment, the process site is just a place holder.

Online Book Store Project is a Web-Based Online e-book Shopping Project. It is the graphical user interface.

It has a form for user to input query information to search the books from database.

The control function is designed to process the input from the user's interface, generate the searching query and then gets data from the database and returns to the user's interface.

Books are Categorized in different Category and each Category have Some Sub Category.

Students Can Free Download Online Book Store Project From for their College Projects.

Online Book store Project Report are also available on the website  any one can download online bookstore project report in php.

Installation/Configuration/Execution Steps

  • Download Online Book Store Project
  • Unzip the Downloaded Project
  • Copy and Paste inside WWW folder or htdocs folder
  • Open Your Web Browser and type inside “localhost/online-book-store-project-in-php”

Database Configuration

  • Create a new database named “www_project”
  • Import “www_project.sql” file from database folder(See in downloaded folder)

Admin Login Details

  • Use the Same Login Form(Given on left Sidebar on front Page)
  • Username: admin@admin.com
  • Password: admin


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